B2B Content Marketing Strategies for Financial Services

Podcasts' Function in Corporate Communication Over the past few years, conventional methods of business communications and their one-sided, persuasive application have lost most of their relevance and validity. Information acquisition and distribution as well as communication's surroundings are changing rapidly. Particularly because of digitization and mediatization, businesses rely on offering fresh technologies and channels of communication directly to pertinent stakeholders (ZerfaĆ & Piwinger, 2007, p. 14). Chang and Cevher (2007) assess podcasts as a helpful tool for businesses trying to boost their online presence and reach (p. 266). They note that it might be employed as a "[…] pull mechanism" in order to draw a niche audience (Chang & Cevher, 2007, p. 264). Since most podcast users are younger target group members with low scattered loss, podcasts also help to reach this younger audience (Chang & Cevher, 2007, p. 273). Furthermore, the auditory m...