B2B Content Marketing Strategies for Financial Services

Podcasts' Function in Corporate CommunicationOver the past few years, conventional methods of business communications and their one-sided, persuasive application have lost most of their relevance and validity. Information acquisition and distribution as well as communication's surroundings are changing rapidly. Particularly because of digitization and mediatization, businesses rely on offering fresh technologies and channels of communication

directly to pertinent stakeholders (Zerfaß & Piwinger, 2007, p. 14).Chang and Cevher (2007) assess podcasts as a helpful tool for businesses trying to boost their online presence and reach (p. 266). They note that it might be employed as a "[…] pull mechanism" in order to draw a niche audience (Chang & Cevher, 2007, p. 264). Since most podcast users are

younger target group members with low scattered loss, podcasts also help to reach this younger audience (Chang & Cevher, 2007, p. 273). Furthermore, the auditory media can take use of the developing trend of storytelling, which offers businesses a fresh narrative form because of its immersive character (Dowling & Miller, 2019, p. 167). Storytelling explains a way in which knowledge is passed on via tales, so strengthening closer relationships with

People orporate provide means

of consistent communication with listeners, thereby fostering the possibility to build their loyalty and confidence (Chang & Cevher, 2007, p. 266).For listeners, information content, entertainment and independent use rank highest among the elements influencing podcast use (Chan-Olmsted & Wang, 2020, p. 684). The particular chosen time and listening surroundings might lead to a form of parasocial relationship between the consumers and the individual

speakers (Berry, 2016, p. 13). Considered as a link with a media personality developed over a longer period by emotional and behavioral processes, parasocial interactions are understood as (Giles, 2002, p.279–281). Building paraWhen corporate pounctions and branding" (2005, p.267). Shortly after, Chang and Cevher (2007) and Haygood (2007) note that podcasts

provide a fresh way to present promotional material and so can be considered as a helpful tool in marketing. Though their importance for business communications and their possible application in branding were underlined more than ten years ago, there are few actual research in this field. Previous studies mostly focused on how advertising may be included

Into non corporate marketing

sometimes known as "podvertising" (Chang & Cevher, 2007; Domenichini, 2018; Haygood, 2007; Moe, 2021). In this sense, brand-related content is received in a framework that generates a great degree of involvement among consumers (Domenichini, 2018, p. 48; Haygood, 2007, p. 521). Although the whole podcast can be bs, it is important to note that they are a complement to the main communication mix rather than a stand-alone media

(Kleinjohann, 2020 p. 38). Usually coexisting with other channels like blogs or websites (Scott, 2011, p. 85), the relevant integration of a podcast into the communication plan is considered as a critical success factor (Krugmann & Pallus, 2008, p. 105). Examining the several channels in line with business branding helps one to match them. Though the idea gets a lot of attention especially in marketing research, there is no agreement on how

precisely to define it (Abratt & Kleyn, 2012, p. 1052; Cornelissen et al., 2012, p. 1095). Balmer (2001) contends that the answer to the question "What is the promise inferred from/communicated by the brand?" should be found in the framework of corporate branding (p. 257). The brand of a corporation develops from and is thus dependent on its identity (Balmer & Podnar, 2021, p. 732). It can be carried outward via images and expressive language (Abratt & Kleyn, 2012, p. 1053). Strong brand image anchored by coherent

Positioning helps to differentiate

the brand from the competitors (Argenti & Druckenmiller, 2004, p. 374). Should the brand experience be consistent and inspire favorable associations, this lays the groundwork for a company's good reputation and strengthens the loyalty of stakeholders (Argenti & Druckenmiller, 2004, p. 374; Balmer & Gray, 2003, p. 974). Thus, one can consider the resulting longer-term interaction with the brand as a process of value-creating (Simmons,

Apart from outward characteristics including the brand name and logo, all the several channels of communication help to establish or preserve a brand (Argenti & Druckenmiller, 2004, p. 368; Keller & Brexendorf, 2019, p. 165). Thus, the communication efforts should reflect the corporate identity and produce a clear picture (Esch & Langner, 2019, p. 180). Reducing the brand to tangible features first helps one to adopt it successfully (Esch &

Langner, 2019, p. 181). Appropriate models and ideas for this include several. One among these types is Esch's "brand steering wheel" (2014, p. 104). It covers five main points: brand traits, brand benefits, brand tonalities, brand iconography and brand competency (Esch & Langner, 2019, pp. 185–186). The approach helps to make several parts of the brand visible and so offers a platform for the consistent social interactions with hosts. Persuasive


communication can thus be based on podcasts. Customers might be more receptive to advertising messaging and might not always view advertising as a disruptive element (McClung & Johnson, 2010, p. 94). All things considered, the evolving audio trend, the breakdown of conventional communication systems, and the possibility of individual positioning result in an increasing relevance of podcasts also for business communications

The research by Doberts et is among the first ones one looks at using podcasts in business communications. The writers focus on the strategic.communication's surroundings are changing rapidly. Particularly because of digitization and mediatization, businesses rely on offering fresh technologies and channels of communication brand image anchored by


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